Well, my friend Ana Lil, and her friend Roxana are now enthralled by the process of raising their beautiful girls, and they are doing it as mindfully as they can.
They are now contending with the issue of raising them bilingual, in a monolingual country. This will mean, in many ways, speaking mostly Spanish at home, and letting the world take care of English.
So, you may ask, that seems fairly standard... Don't a lot of families already do this?
As I said, the difference in their case is that they have decided to turn this into a journey and do it as mindfully as possible. This includes finding a community to exchange views, resources, tips and fun with! Not having the support of an extended family available, they are striving to do as much as possible of this through their blog.
I, wish them luck... and take my hat off to them. It is not easy journaling about your parenting... much less so doing it out in the open for a whole web community to witness.
And knowing Ana Lil, I am sure she will do this fantastically, as she has done with every other journey I have seen her embark on.
Bendiciones, Blessings, Bencoes